Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie held a workshop entitled Applications of Precision Agriculture in Plant and Animal Production field

The Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, organized a workshop entitled “Applications of Precision Agriculture in plant and animal production the field” as part of the Erasmus project: boosting innovation on education and research of Precision Agriculture in Palestine.
Responding of the project dissemination activities, to connect and outreach the project activities with privet and governmental partners. In the presence of the Dean of Agriculture Science and Technology, Dr. Wafaa Masoud, and with member of project committee, the workshop aiming to highlight and identifying the applications of precision agriculture in the field of plant and animal production.
The workshop was opened by a member of the project dissemination team, Dr. Iyad Badran, who moderated the workshop, provided an overview of the project’s objectives and importance, noting that this workshop was organized and arranged in order to promote innovation in education and scientific research in precision agriculture, and to spread awareness of all that is new in this field, explaining that the project is funded by the European Union, five local universities and four European universities participate in it.
Dr. Wafa welcomed to the participants and she fulfilled the attendance, stressing that the college is keen to hold workshops and extracurricular events that shed light on everything that is being developed in the world of agricultural technology in order to supply the labor market with graduates able to keep pace with the rapid development in technology and transfer it to the reality of the Palestinian agricultural sector
For his part, the project coordinator at the university, Dr. Yahya Istaitih mention that the project aims to promote modern innovations in the field of precision or smart agriculture. The project, which comes within this workshop, focuses on the academic aspect by offering specialized courses in this subject, in addition to the research aspect by building research partnerships with different disciplines, in addition to partnerships with local and international universities
The workshop included several specialized scientific presentations, presented by Dr. Arafat Hanani, a lecture on high technology and modern technologies and their applications in agricultural practices, a lecture by Engineer Maisarah from Sanabel Company on modern irrigation and fertilization devices, and a lecture by Engineer Othman Shehadeh from Palestine Poultry Company and his lecture entitled using control programs in closed poultry farms, in addition to a lecture given by M. Samer Droubi from the ministry of Agriculture and his lecture entitled introducing strawberry cultivation in a modern way, and a lecture given by the student Amir Jihad on the design of smart systems for hydroponics without soil.

Finally, this work shop recommended using a new and advanced solution that use the most recent sophisticated technologies to better enhance the agriculture industry by using Artificial Intelligence, sensors, devices, and machines
The application of precision agriculture lead to higher crop productivity with reduction in overall costs through decreased consumption of fertilizers, pesticides, and water that will reflect on a lower food prices and increase the productivity of poultry broiler closed farm

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