Hebron University – College of Agriculture implementing a training course in the field of environmental agriculture

Hebron University – College of Agriculture, in coordination with Al-Ard for AgricultureDevelopment, and in partnership with the Agricultural Vocational Training Center “Al-Masdar” and the Local Seeds Bank, implemented a training course in the field ofEnvironmental Agriculture targeted more than 40 students from the College ofAgriculture from various academic levels. Dr. Talaat Abu Rajab, Head of…

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Workshop (application of precision agriculture in the animal and plant sector) 

Kadoorie held a workshop entitled “Applications of Precision Agriculture in the Field of Plant and Animal Production”  Date 4/13/2022  The Faculty of Agricultural Science and Technology at Palestine Technical University Kadoorie organized a workshop entitled “Applications of Precision Agriculture in the Field of plant and Animal Production” as part of the Erasmus project: Boosting Innovation…

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Installation of AgriLive System at PTUK farm

One of the most important outputs of this project for PTUK concerns for purchasing and installation of advanced devices (soil moisture and temperature sensors, nitrogen soil sensors, phosphorus soil sensors, and potassium soil sensors) that will be used on the university farm to enhance students and researchers to increase their knowledge and science, as these…

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A workshop for introducing Smart Systems for Agriculture (Smart Agriculture devices) at PTUK

One of the main objectives of this project for (PTUK) involved in the application   of precision agriculture that helps Palestinian students, researchers, and farmers   To increase the accuracy and efficiency of agricultural input applications and to   conduct research on the economic and environmental feasibility of the   precision farming technology that would promote this technology to…

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